Sunday, September 1, 2019

The News from Bell's Pond

The Livingston Planning Board was supposed to make its decision about granting a special use permit to Global Partners for the construction of a giant fueling station at the intersection of Routes 9, 23, 9H, and 82 on Wednesday, September 4. Gossips has just learned from Livingston Concerned Citizens (LCC) that the decision has been postponed until the board's October meeting. The reason for the delay is that the Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) is requiring further information about interference in the fragile bald eagle habitat at Bell's Pond, as well as potentially damaging storm water runoff from the facility.

The following is quoted from a statement from LCC:
Global Partners, a Fortune 500 Company, has proposed a 4,800 square foot gas station with a fueling canopy half the size of a football field. The construction was due to start August 1 depending on permits and DEC approval. DEC does not recommend site preparation work going beyond December 1 to avoid endangered species impacts. Bald eagles begin nest building in December. Global Partners has stated in their application that their work window is August 1 to January 1 and as such is in conflict.
The DEC is also requiring revised drawings for the "hotspot area" (fueling islands) to show how potential spills will be contained.

LCC and community leaders have been advocating for a full environmental impact study which would alert town government and the community to any pending problems. A full environmental impact study is considered to be standard procedure by environmentalists.


  1. It's worth noting that Global Partners is the same outfit that is running massive amounts of oil in rail cars thru downtown Albany.

  2. One would think that being so close to Bell's Pond and having such a big footprint, Global Partners would have to do a Full Environmental Study. Why wouldn't they?? There has been plenty of objections already.
