Friday, January 19, 2024

The Way It's Done at the County Level

On Monday, Gossips reported that the Columbia County Board of Supervisors was planning to hold a public hearing on Wednesday, January 24, about the future use of 11 Warren Street. The official announcement of the hearing, billed as a "Public Input Meeting," appeared today on Facebook.

It turns out the meeting will take place at 3:30 p.m. next Wednesday, not at 4:00 p.m., as originally indicated, and people who wish to speak at the meeting must register in advance with the clerk of the Board of Supervisors. The deadline for registering is Monday, January 22, at 4:00 p.m. This is reminiscent of the bad old days of Hudson government, when residents had to ask for permission, in advance of the meeting, from Mim Traver, then Common Council president, to speak at a Council meeting. As I recall, you had to make your case for why you should be allowed to address the esteemed body, and she didn't always grant permission.


  1. Indeed it is reminiscent of Mim Traver days! It took several protests from 'Concerned Citizens', Carole Clark and others to get that rule changed. I can see that this City Govermnment has strictly gone backwards in spite of all concerned citizens efforts throught the last 20-25 years.

  2. They'll take your opinion (maybe, if you get to speak) after the property conveyed. The best thing for the county to do is demo it and put it back on the market and tax rolls. The best use of this meeting is to question the Hudson delegation as to why they let this happen. We know why one of them did. But what about the others who always talk about affordable housing and our precious youth? Wouldn't this have been better as housing? Wouldn't keeping this property on the tax rolls, and fully developed, bring in more tax revenues, and help keep property taxes down (ie cost of housing?). What about the much loved youth clubhouse that was kicked out?

    I like how the "official" platform for public notices these days are on local facebook forums, basically the backwater of the internet.

    1. Sign up and give your opinion at the meeting. The plan by Galvan to develop the spot wasn't that bad, anything would be better than leaving that crummy outdated strip mall building there.

  3. Union Jack is spot on. We continue to deal with the problem of old school, good 'ol boy politics. Zero vision...
