Monday, December 13, 2010

General Worth's Birthplace

As Gossips reported on Saturday, there's a proposal before the Historic Preservation Commission to return 211 Union Street to what it may have looked like when General William Jenkins Worth was growing up there. The following images show how the building looked when it was acquired by Eric Galloway and how it would look if returned to Federal style.

Thanks to Historic Preservation Commission member Jane Smith for scanning these images, which were presented to the HPC, and sharing them with Gossips so I could share them with you.

NOTE: The public hearing on the proposed changes to 211 Union Street has had to be postponed because scheduling it for Friday, December 17, did not allow adequate time for public notice. Gossips will announce the new date for the public hearing as soon as it is determined.


  1. From a visual standpoint - the proposed new restored look is absolutely delicious !!!

  2. amazing, after all that work, the same car will be parked out front.
