Sunday, April 3, 2011

Board of Education Meeting

The HCSD Board of Education meets tomorrow night, Monday, April 4, at 7 p.m., in the Hudson High School Cafeteria. This apparently is the last meeting before a special meeting scheduled for April 11 at which the BOE votes on the 2011-2012 school budget. Remarkably, in this devastated economy, it appears that the budget for 2011-2012 may be increasing by 1.7 percent over 2010-2011, from $40,932,878 to $41,629,018, while the revenue from local property taxes may be increasing by 14.3 percent, from $17,538,876 to $20,051,754.      


  1. For the record, Carole, the Board of Ed sure could raise local taxes by 14.3 percent -- state law allows it!!! -- but my guess is that it wouldn't have the guts. I'm "holding out" for a zero percent tax increase, so there's a lot of hammering and yammering to do between now and the 11th -- and a lot of distance between 0% and 14.9%. Tomorrow night's budget workshop is a big one.

  2. Ripped right out of our Allen Street pockets !

  3. Thanks for the clarification, Peter!
