Tuesday, July 15, 2014

To See Ourselves As Others See Us

All Over Albany has published a report in photos about their "Rail, River, Hudson" car-free excursion to our city, which took place this past Saturday.


  1. Here is another article about the AOA "Rail, River, Hudson" excursion. This one is by author/historian Don Rittner (more photos): http://blog.timesunion.com/rittner/riding-the-rails-and-waves-makes-a-hell-of-a-good-time/4793/

  2. And here's one more article about the excursion to Hudson, this one is in Hudson Valley Magazine, written by Troy novelist Jack Casey. http://www.hvmag.com/Hudson-Valley-Magazine/Rail-River-Hudson-Offers-Unique-Tour-of-Upper-Hudson-Valley-Cities/

  3. And here's one last? blog post that just went up today with more photos of a few things not captured by the other photographers. http://www.nippertown.com/2014/07/21/live-all-over-albanys-rail-river-hudson-tour-71214/
