Thursday, September 8, 2016

Second and Diamond Street in 1889

A research project has me reading issues of the Hudson Register from 1889. This morning, I discovered two items about the same corner in Hudson, which appeared within two days of each other in October 1889. The curious coincidence and the nature of the two stories inspired me to share them both. 

The corner in question was the intersection of Second and Diamond streets--Diamond Street, of course, now being Columbia Street. On October 21, the Daily Evening Register reported the disturbing story of a baby falling into the sewer.

Two days later, on October 23, the Daily Evening Register reported on a resolution before the Common Council to install a street lamp--an arc lamp--at the corner of Diamond and Second streets. The resolution failed because providing a street lamp at Diamond and Second streets required taking it from where it was already installed, on East Court Street, "between the Reformatory and the Court House." The majority of the aldermen believed that a street lamp was a necessity "on the avenue leading to the State House of Refuge."

The House of Refuge, a reformatory for women, had been established just two years earlier, in 1887, at the southern end of East Court Street, where the Hudson Correctional Facility is located today.

Photo source: Prison Public Memory Project


1 comment:

  1. A mother was bathing her baby one night
    The youngest of ten, and a tiny young mite
    The mother was poor and the baby was thin
    Only a skeleton covered with skin
    The mother turned round for the soap off the rack
    She was but a moment, but when she looked back
    Her baby was gawn and in anguish she cried
    'Oh where is my baby?' The Angels replied,

    Chorus: 'Your baby has gone down the plug-hole
    Your baby has gone down the plug
    The poor little thing was so skinny and thin
    It should have been washed in a jug
    Your baby is ever so happy
    He won't need a bath any more
    Your baby has gone down the plughole
    Not lost but gone before.'
