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Thursday, May 17, 2018

HDC and the Common Council

Late last night, an article about the controversy between the Common Council and HDC appeared on HudsonValley360 (a.k.a. the Register-Star): "HDC, Common Council clash." There's not much new information in the article, but it does reproduce an email sent to John Gilstrap, president of the HDC board, and copied to all the members of the board, from Common Council president Tom DePietro, responding to Gilstrap's memo to the Common Council. The article reports that DePietro was "speaking for himself and not on behalf of the council" in his response to Gilstrap. 

DePietro's email starts out by telling Gilstrap that his memo "begins with a false statement, and compounds its errors throughout." It continues: "I did not ask the city attorney 'to develop a plan to dissolve HDC.' He was asked to 'look into how does one get rid of an LDC'--a much more general question, to be sure." Later on in the email , DePietro says, "Personally, I find it funny that in your second paragraph you admit you don't even know the guidelines for dissolving an LDC, even though it's posted on the HDC website."

For those curious about the subject of LDCs (local development corporations), their purposes and powers are defined in New York Consolidated Laws, Not-for-Profit Corporation Law--NPC § 1141. Dissolution is addressed in paragraph (g).

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