Tuesday, May 1, 2018

The Portraits on the Mantelpiece

On Friday, after noticing that a portrait of Donald Trump had recently appeared on the mantelpiece in the Council Chamber at City Hall, I published a post announcing its appearance, knowing that many readers don't get to City Hall on a regular basis: "New Face in City Hall." 

The post provoked a few comments, a couple of which inspired Tracy Delaney, our city clerk, to contact Gossips to explain how the portraits come to get displayed on the mantel. Here's what she said:
For clarification, this office inherited the task of updating pictures when necessary. We contacted the Governor's Office for a picture of Governor Cuomo and had been referred to the gift shop. Congressman Gibson's picture had been displayed until Congressman Faso took office. We contacted a local office to obtain a picture of President Trump and had been unsuccessful. Most recently a constituent visiting City Hall noticed there was no picture and obtained the displayed picture.


  1. can we pass a new rule for photos in City Hall?: pictures of misogynists and sexual predators, no matter who they are, are not allowed!

  2. This photo of Gibson, was it hidden?

    1. I'm glad Tracy confirmed it, because I definitely remember it being there.

    2. Okay, thanks. Sometimes the eyes play tricks; I have no reason to doubt either of you.

  3. Yes because you only let the trouble maker make comments. Other wise you guys don’t like hearing the truth this site sucks
