Friday, September 7, 2018

But What About Ackerman's?

Yesterday, Gossips reported that 746 and 748 Warren Street, the buildings that not long ago were the location of Crimson Sparrow and Bonfiglio & Bread, had a new owner. We have since confirmed that the Hudson Food Studio will be moving from its too-small space at 610 Warren Street to the Crimson Sparrow space (746 Warren Street) in early October. 

Of course, these new developments in Hudson's East End inspire curiosity about the building at the corner of Warren and Eighth streets, a building that has been vacant now for about six years. 

Photo: Evelyn and Robert Monthie Slide Collection, CCHS
The building, which was constructed in the early 20th century to be the Crescent Garage, where Packards and other luxury cars were sold and serviced, was to become a food emporium called Hudson Anchor Market, the plans for which were likened to Chelsea Market. In December 2014, the Historic Preservation Commission granted a certificate of appropriateness for the proposed facade alterations that were part of the project. At the time, it was predicted that the market would open in nine to eleven months. 

Instead of a market opening in the fall of 2015, however, signage offering the building for lease appeared in the fall of 2017.

When that signage disappeared not long ago, its removal inspired speculation that the building might have been leased or sold. It turns out neither is true. Gossips' information is that the owners decided to take the building off the market to complete some additional repairs.


  1. The former Ackerman's has been purchased for $1.6 million by a well known Columbia County real estate cabal which will soon announce that they are flipping the structure to county government for $17.4 million. It will house the County IDA, HDC, and various other economic development agencies. There will be approximately 26 jobs at the facility, which will go to friends and family of county officials, provided that they are registered Republicans

    1. If that didn't sound so plausible it would be funny.

  2. could the street rumors that the building is toxic be true
