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Friday, September 24, 2021

More About the Situation at CMH

News 10, our local ABC affiliate, did a feature today titled "Vaccine mandates could compound staff shortage at local hospitals." The title uses the word hospitals plural, but the report is mostly about one hospital--our hospital, Columbia Memorial. Here's a disturbing statistic revealed in the piece: "83 percent of hospital workers in Columbia County have completed their vaccine series. That's a number much lower compared to nearby counties." 


  1. Wasn’t much of a hospital fully staffed in my experience.

    1. john, the hospital services the poor of the City, whose only recourse is CMH. To them it is a life line.

      Hudson wants to expand its welfare base by 100s and 100s of subsidized apartments, but has a fragile health provider that cannot supply health care to the current population.

      It is the "Big Daddy Syndrome", where a mythical Bid Daddy is going to take care of all the needs of an ever expanding underclass housed in "workforce" housing.

      However, there are no new factories or jobs, nor can many of the graduates at the local schools even read.

      The current policies of welfare and government guaranteed loans to our der local nonprofit developers create these results.

  2. What does it tell you that staff do not wish to be vaccinated? Pitiful !

    1. It's not just local staff that don't wish to be vaccinated. It's healthcare workers all across the country. NPR is talking about it.
