Saturday, June 25, 2022

Responding to the Overturn of Roe v. Wade

This morning, people of all ages filled the Public Square in Hudson to listen to speeches and protest the Supreme Court decision yesterday that overturned Roe v. Wade.

Mayor Kamal Johnson called the Supreme Court decision "an act of terrorism." Others urged those attending to demonstrate their outrage and dissatisfaction with their vote. Read aloud in its entirety was a statement released by the American Medical Association regarding the court's decision:
The American Medical Association is deeply disturbed by the U.S. Supreme Court's decision to overturn nearly a half century of precedent protecting patients' right to critical reproductive health care--representing an egregious allowance of government intrusion into the medical examination room, a direct attack on the practice of medicine and the patient-physician relationship, and a brazen violation of patients' rights to evidence-based reproductive health services. States that end legal abortion will not end abortion--they will end safe abortion, risking devastating consequences, including patients' lives. . . .
Access to legal reproductive care will be limited to those with the sufficient resources, circumstances, and financial means to do so--exacerbating health inequities by placing the heaviest burden on patients from Black, Latinx, Indigenous, low-income, rural, and other historically disadvantaged communities who already face numerous structural and systemic barriers to accessing health care. . . .
As the health of millions of patients hangs in the balance, this is a fight we will not give up.
The entire statement can be read here.

The video of all the speeches can be viewed here.

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