Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Ear to the Ground

By now, it is generally known that the Galvan Foundation has purchased Helsinki Hudson. On July 28, the Albany Business Review reported that the selling price for Helsinki Hudson was $6.25 million, the sole trustee of the purchasing LLC was T. Eric Galloway, and the seller was holding a mortgage of $4.25 million. There may be more to the deal than what was reported in the Albany Business Review.

Knowing that Galvan had sold the Charles Alger House on Allen Street, I decided to check the assessment rolls to see if they might yield any information about a new owner of the historic house. There I discovered that on July 14, 2023, a week before Helsinki Hudson was sold, the Charles Alger House, whose lavish restoration was recently completed, was sold to Water Canyon LLC for $1--yes, one dollar. Water Canyon LLC has an address in Hillsdale which, it turns out, is a house owned by Cameron Melville, the third partner, with Deborah McDowell and Marc Shafler, in Helsinki Hudson. 


Update: This morning, a reader sent me this information about the house at 59 Allen Street, from the county deeds records, which indicates that the house actually sold for $1.65 million.


  1. So basically it was an additional bonus to the deal and now because it sold for $1....what are the taxes due? If someone can explain, I would appreciate it. Not being snarky.

    1. Taxes are based on the assessed value not the purchase price.

  2. I would like to clarify that this property did indeed sell, the deed was recorded in my office on July 19, 2023 but the selling price was 1.65 million, not $1. $1 is common boilerplate for deeds (this deed actually states the selling price was $10). I also want to point out that assessment information is NOT accurate in regards to land transfers - deeds, mortgages etc. are recorded at the County Clerk Office and can be viewed here https://www.columbiacountyny.com/clerk_publicrecordssearch.html

    1. Thanks for this clarification, Holly Tanner. I just learned this morning that the selling price was $1.65 million and wondered why $1 appeared in the assessment rolls.

  3. It will be interesting to see what the new assessment will be next year. But everything in town is way out of whack and we are badly due for a citywide reassessment since the covid housing boom. There are people paying more taxes in $500K homes than their neighbors in $1M+ homes
