Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Too Many Moores

It's confirmed. The folks at the Register-Star don't read their own paper. This appeared on their Facebook page today.

Fear not. Chief Ed Moore is not leaving his post at the HPD. Rather Don Moore, who did not seek re-election as Common Council president, choosing instead to run (successfully) for Third Ward supervisor, is bidding farewell to his office.

Thanks to Dorothy Heyl for bringing this to our attention.


  1. Whew! We need our great Police Chief Ed Moore to stay doing what he does exceptionally well.

  2. How many Moores are running around in zip code 12534, not from the same family clan? There seem to be a plethora of them (I know of four off the top of my head). Hudson is basking in maturity and a cooperative spirit these days, eh? Maybe Don meant, relatively speaking. Which as a Hudson newbie (how long does one need to be in Hudson to cease being a newbie I wonder - reading Voy it seems like maybe being born here is a prerequisite), causes me to wonder what it was like six years ago. Was it sort of like the Middle East back then?

  3. for "basking in maturity and a cooperative spirit" i highly suggest not to read Voy

    1. Never were truer words written. The butchering of the English language is also sort of like listening to chalk scratching on a chalk board, and a depressing reminder of the failures of our public secondary school system.
