Save Your Quarters
Photo: Paul Trantanella |
So, this morning, I agreed to meet someone for coffee at 10 a.m. at a coffee shop on Warren Street. I pulled the Gossipsmobile out of its spot on the odd side of my street, where it had been parked since 8 o'clock on Tuesday night, and drove to my destination, where I was able to park on the even side of the street, where the snow had been cleared, except for the wall of snow that remained along the curb. I walked five car lengths, in the street, to a spot where someone had shoveled a break in the snow wall, then walked the same distance back on the sidewalk to insert a quarter in the parking meter for my car's space, then went to my destination. Not a Herculean effort, but on arriving home, I discovered that twenty minutes after I'd made it, Mayor Tiffany Martin Hamilton released this statement:
Metered parking in Hudson is suspended today. Any tickets issued for
meter violations since Tuesday will be voided. If you have received a ticket
for a meter violation since Tuesday that you have already paid, please bring
the ticket to the parking bureau so a refund can be processed. Stay safe out
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