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Monday, October 12, 2020

Meetings of Interest in the Week Ahead

Twenty-two days before Election Day, here's what's happening in Hudson this week. Once again, a Monday holiday has caused a logjam of meetings on Tuesday, but there is one meeting that decided not to be deterred by this holiday of controversial significance.
  • Today, Monday, October 12, the Tourism Board holds a special meeting at 5:00 p.m. to discuss acquiring solar-powered PrivĂ© pods "for social-distanced gathering" in Hudson. The link to join the Zoom meeting is expected to be posted on the City of Hudson website. Scroll down to the calendar to find it. 
Update: It's now 5:00 p.m., and the link has not been published.
  • On Tuesday, October 13, the board of the Hudson Community Development and Planning Agency meets at 10:30 p.m. The agenda for the meeting can be found here. To access the Zoom meeting click here.
  • At 1:00 p.m. on Tuesday, October 13, the Hudson Industrial Development Agency (IDA) holds its regular monthly meeting. It will be remembered that at its last meeting on October 6, the IDA voted to move forward on the PILOT agreement for the hotel proposed for 620 Union Street. Click here to access the meeting, which takes place on Google Meet.
  • At 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, October 13, the Common Council holds a public hearing on the proposed law to regulate short term rentals in Hudson. The information to access to public hearing will be published on the City of Hudson website prior to the meeting. Scroll down to the calendar. Because there cannot be more than one city Zoom meeting happening at the same time, this hearing can last for only an hour, because the Planning Board meeting starts at 6:00 p.m.
Update: Apparently, it is now possible for city Zoom meetings to happen simultaneously, so the public hearing could go on until 7:00 p.m., when the informal Council meeting begins, overlapping with the Planning Board meeting. 
  • At 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday, October 13, the Planning Board holds its monthly meeting. The agenda, which can be found here, includes a public hearing on the proposal to convert 735 Columbia Street into a brewery with a bar, restaurant, and event space; the continuation of the public hearing regarding Colarusso and its conditional use permits; consideration of the first application for a special use permit to keep chickens in Hudson; among other things. Because the Council Council informal meeting begins at 7:00 p.m., the Planning Board meeting can only to go on for one hour. Click here to join the Zoom meeting.  
Update: It seems the impossibility of simultaneous city Zoom meetings, which was the case last month, has been overcome. Betsy Gramkow, who chairs the Planning Board, just informed Gossips that the Planning Board meeting will not be limited to one hour but will go on for as long as it needs to, which, if recent history is any indication, could be four or more hours. This may also apply to the Common Council public hearing on the proposed STR law, so get your dual screens ready. 

  • Finally, on Tuesday, October 13, the Common Council holds its informal meeting at 7:00 p.m. So far, no agenda items have been posted on the city website. One of the resolutions expected to be introduced is one to engage Hudson Valley Pattern for Progress to create an Affordable Housing Development Plan for Hudson. The link to access the meeting will be posted on the City of Hudson website. Scroll down to the calendar.
  • On Wednesday, October 14, the Board of Estimate and Apportionment (BEA) meets at 1:00 p.m. to receive the proposed 2021 budget for the Youth Department. The link to access the meeting will be posted on the City of Hudson website. Scroll down to the calendar.
  • Also on Wednesday, October 14, the Hudson Housing Authority Board of Commissioners meets at 6:00 p.m. Last month, the link to join the Zoom meeting was made available prior to the meeting. It is not clear where or if the link to this month's meeting will be published.
  • On Thursday, October 15, the Common Council Economic Development Committee meets at 6:00 p.m. The link to access the meeting will be posted on the City of Hudson website. Scroll down to the calendar.
  • On Friday, October 16, the Board of Estimate and Apportionment (BEA) meets at 2:30 p.m. to receive the proposed budgets of the treasurer's office and the senior center. The link to access the meeting will be posted on the City of Hudson website. Scroll down to the calendar.

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