Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Public Art in Hudson: Following Up

Earlier today, Gossips published pictures taken by a reader of work by sculptor Jon Isherwood being unloaded at the Columbia County Courthouse: "Public Art in Hudson." I was wrong in believing there was only one sculpture; there are two. But I was correct in speculating that the sculpture was from the exhibition Broadway Blooms: Jon Isherwood on Broadway. 

The sculpture now installed in Courthouse Square along Union Street near East Court Street is called "Given and Received." In Broadway Blooms, it was exhibited at Broadway and 96th Street.

Photo: Broadway Mall Association

The sculpture now installed in the square along West Court Street is called "As Always Yours." In the exhibition on the Upper West Side, it was installed at Broadway and 117th Street.

Photo: Broadway Mall Association
The sculptures are part of the public art being exhibited during this year's The Hudson Eye
THE2022, which officially begins on August 26 and continues through September 5. For more information about the festival and to download the THE2022 brochure, click here.


  1. These are great. It’s so nice to see more public art in the city. Perhaps we can have the Warren Street blocks replaced with 3d printed sculptures in the future.

    1. At least the Warren Street flower boxes look nice and are a decent color. I agree that the sculptures in the Court House Square and art elsewhere is a great addition to Hudson's attractions.
