Sunday, August 28, 2022

An Elevator for "Apartments of Distinction"

After standing empty for close to twenty years, the historic apartment building at the corner of Union and Fifth streets, owned since 2012 by the Galvan Foundation and before that by Galvan Partners, is being restored and renovated. The plans for the exterior of the building were granted a certificate of appropriateness by the Historic Preservation Commission in April 2022.

When the restoration is complete, there will be three apartments on each of the upper three floors. The ground floor will have commercial space and residential space. 

This past Friday, the HPC approved the addition of an elevator shaft on the south side of the building. Existing window openings will be used to provide access to the elevator.

The elevator shaft will be visible from Fifth Street, but it will sit 17 to 20 feet back from the street. It will be constructed of brick and covered with stucco tinted to match the existing brick. Walter Chatham, who is the architect for the restoration of the building, suggested the possibility of eventually covering the elevator shaft with vines.


  1. An elevator is an excellent idea. There are lots of people with mobility issues who would love to live in downtown Hudson but would have a hard time finding accessible housing in all the 18th and 19th Century buildings here.

  2. Really glad to see this structure being restored. There are some developers who seem to have a big appetite for very challenging projects.
