The School District and the City (Continued)
Photo: Timothy O'Connor |
John Mason catches up on the story of Hudson City School District's proposed capital project at Montgomery C. Smith Intermediate School in today's Register-Star: "City, school district to confer on land swap." The headline is a bit misleading, since HCSD seems to be seeking a land grant from the City of Hudson with nothing offered in exchange. Mason's report offers this bit of new information: HCSD superintendent Maria Suttmeier plans to be present at the Common Council meeting on Tuesday, January 19, "with at least a couple of board members if asked." He also quotes from an email from Suttmeier: "[Timothy O'Connor] and I have exchanged several email communications on the subject. I look forward to working with Mr. O'Connor and other interested parties to make this project a win win for the school and community. Mr. O'Connor and I are currently working to organize an onsite tour of the property and I am planning to invite all interested stakeholders."
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