Thursday, October 13, 2011

The Haddad Campaign Responds

Gossips Note: The following response to Wednesday's endorsements by current mayor Rick Scalera and former mayor Dick Tracy was released today by the Nick Haddad for Mayor campaign.

The Register-Star published a press release yesterday, the subject of which was an endorsement of Republican Bill Hallenbeck by current Democratic Mayor Rick Scalera and former Mayor Dick Tracy. Although it missed a byline and was clearly an opinion piece, the Register decided to categorize it as news, and amongst the hokey falsities and sloppy reasoning was a clear demonstration of what Nick has been saying all along:

For all intents and purposes the "current administration" has been in City Hall since the mid-nineties and before, during which time the City has undergone dramatic changes. The revitalization of Warren Street, the influx of new and vibrant businesses, the restoration and rehabilitation of a number of historic buildings and residences, and the rise in the standard of living of many of our citizens.

All of this has occurred despite any meaningful support or involvement from City Hall, or the folks who've "dipped their collective beaks" for decades in the "industry of need," a product of so many citizens living without meaningful jobs and opportunities. It might be serendipitous, but I think it more a result of right minded people finding a place they call home, and an environment they find conducive to fulfillment.

We are poised on the cusp of a true "citizens based" renaissance, yet there is so much more to follow. Imagine what more we might have achieved, and how better we might have addressed the needs of so many, had we not been met with rancor and obstruction from City Hall?

To be fair, we can thank the current administration for removing the tank farm at the waterfront, and giving the City a lovely park. Perhaps that is the only progressive physical act the administration has to its credit.

What we are left with is a very unpopular proposal for developing the waterfront. One that is not the product of citizens' input and again cleaves to a group with very narrow self interests.

We have watched the systematic razing of historic buildings, the selling off of properties to insiders at closed door meetings. We have watched hundreds of thousands of tax dollars given to businesses in the City which have either made off with the money illegally or sold the property without due investment. Interestingly, the only "new park" in the City, on the 200 block of Warren Street, was created years ago by local taxpayers.

So what are we to do with the future? Do we hand over the City to the very same group that has taken a "business as usual" approach? A group whose currency is based upon poverty and patronage? Or do we become inclusive and transparent? Asking from our engaged and generous citizenry the very best they have to offer. Do we address the 25 percent of our citizenry who live at or below the poverty line, and ask them, what can we do together to make our City a place where all of us can grow and prosper?

So it is, the current administration's endorsement of my opponent is hardly surprising, for any attempt to make the system truly representative flies in the face of their narrow self interest.

The answer is clear, the future is now, and to benefit us all, we need to create a cohesive City; a City that respects each and everyone regardless of station, religion, or race, a place for all of us.

Only we can move Hudson forward, together.

Sincerely yours,

Nicholas C. Haddad

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