Saturday, October 15, 2011

HPC: Retraction, Apology, Correction

Since publishing my earlier post about the Historic Preservation Commission, I have heard from Tom Swope, who denied that he knew about the appointment of a new commission member when he and I spoke on Friday morning and suggested, not in jest, that this blog should be called Calumnies of Hudson. He also told me the true sequence of events, which I will now share, with apologies to Swope for suggesting that he had deliberately withheld information. 

On Friday morning when we spoke, Swope had no idea that the mayor was ready to appoint someone new to the Historic Preservation Commission. After I left City Hall, Swope got a call from the mayor and went upstairs to meet with him. It was then that the mayor told him that, on the recommendation of Eric Galloway, he was thinking of putting Rick Rector on the Historic Preservation Commission. After meeting with Swope, the mayor called Rector and met with him in the early afternoon. Immediately after that meeting, Rector was sworn in by the city clerk, and his name was promptly added to the roster of members of the HPC on the City of Hudson website. 


  1. Rick Rector happens to be a good choice for the HPC, in my opinion. The question here is, since when does the most frequent applicant to the Commission get to "nominate" members?


  2. So Hudsons top 1% and largest property owner advises the mayor on a personal placement to oversee his "historic" influence in this berg.

    How sweet a deal is that !

  3. gossips,
    i have been expressing my interest in the HPC for over a year to a variety of people and was honored to have had a meeting with the mayor to discuss this. tom swope, to my knowledge, had no information about our meeting.

    i am lucky to have enjoyed the friendship of many in the town including the discussed individuals along with many from other backgrounds, interests and persuasions. during my meeting with the mayor i recommended many times that you be selected for the HPC commission due to your knowledge and expertise (i feel fortunate to have always considered you a friend as well)....where that goes is for the mayor to decide.

    i take this responsibility very seriously and feel i can offer another perspective on the commission with my background in planning, design, construction and real estate. for most of my career i have been in a position where art meets commerce. i also know that i can be unbiased and objective. i serve the people of hudson and only want what is best for them and the town while protecting the historical preservation of hudson with the various projects brought to the commission.
    rick rector
