Thursday, March 7, 2013

News from the Youth & Aging Committee

Last night at the Youth & Aging Committee meeting, committee chair Wanda Pertilla (Second Ward) said that the senior center project had been put out to bid again. The goal, of course, is to get the cost of construction down to $1,080,000, which, even with the $300,000 offered by the Galvan Foundation, is all the City has to spend. She also mentioned more than once St. Mary's Academy as a possibility for seniors. The idea that the City might purchase of St. Mary's and turn it into an intergenerational center, combining senior programming, youth programming, and day care, was first suggested by Alderman John Friedman (Third Ward) last month at a special meeting of the Legal Committee.  

Hudson resident Sumayyah Shabazz was present at the meeting to warn that "a new gang is trying to come in, and they are recruiting." Joe Gentile has that story in today's Register-Star: "Committee told to beware of violent gang forming in city."


  1. The city's interest in St Marys is nothing new. They were looking at it 10 or 15 years ago and decided against it for numerous reasons. New guard should talk to old guard before proceeding...
