Thursday, September 1, 2011

Not a Done Deal

The Register-Star printed a correction today to yesterday's article about Eric Galloway. It seems that Galloway is "committed" to buying the Little League field on Hudson Street, but he hasn't done so yet. At the present time, the field still belongs to the Hudson Elks Club.

Speaking of commitments to buy things, remember Galloway's much celebrated intention to buy the former Dunn building across from Henry Hudson Riverfront Park? Back in December 2010, Kevin Walker presented Galloway's plans to turn the building into a "bistro styled" restaurant and bar, with 200 tables on two floors and in a glass enclosed atriumCommon Council President Don Moore called it "a particularly exciting project" and, with Mayor Richard Scalera, hailed it as "the ideal catalyst for future development." But eight months have passed, and nothing has happened. There's no contract, and it seems the City is waiting on Galloway to make the next move. 

Meanwhile, $300,000 from the sale of the building, which has been appraised at $325,000, was written into the 2011 budget as anticipated revenue, and 2011 is two-thirds over. Know anyone who wants a really cool building on the waterfront?    

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, Carole. I remember. I've been wondering what happened to this project.
