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Wednesday, May 22, 2019

In the Interest of Transparency

At last night's Common Council meeting, Council president Tom DePietro announced that the Council was hiring a secretary to take minutes at committee meetings and the informal meeting. Traditionally, the informal meeting was just that: an informal meeting. No action was taken, and hence no minutes were recorded. The city clerk recorded the minutes at the regular meeting. Traditionally also, committee chairs kept minutes at committee meetings and submitted them to the city clerk. 

It was been noted in recent years that no minutes exist for many committee meetings. DePietro explained that the secretary was being hired "in the interest of transparency." In the interest of transparency, Gossips details the record of committee meeting minutes for this Council.
DePietro's comments at the meeting indicated that Garriga, Rosenthal, and Johnson will be relying on the secretary to take minutes at their committee meetings. Halloran, Volo, Bujan, and Merante will continue to record their own minutes.

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