Monday, August 17, 2020

Get Ready for Workshop 2

Last month, Arterial and Street Plans, the two urban design firms that are part of the team working on the DRI project now being called "Hudson Connects," held a walking tour and a workshop. It was a hot day, and both were quite poorly attended: about 25 showed up for the walking tour and only 10 for the workshop.

If you missed the workshop, which included a planning exercise, you can still provide your input. The presentation that was made at the workshop on July 29 can be viewed here, and you can take a survey that replicates the evening's planning exercise here.

After you've completed the survey, mark your calendar. On Tuesday, August 25, from 5:00 to 8:00 p.m., there will be a second opportunity for community engagement, this time including Starr Whitehouse, the landscape architects working on the renovation and restoration of Promenade Hill and the plaza at its entrance. Here's the announcement that appeared on Facebook:
On August 25, join the City of Hudson for an Open House at Promenade Hill Park! Together with design and planning consultants Arterial, Street Plans, and Starr Whitehouse, the City will be sharing preliminary design concepts to two Downtown Revitalization Initiative (DRI) projects: Hudson Connects and the renovation of Promenade Hill Park.
The Hudson Connects project, led by consultants Arterial and Street Plans, is a planning and design initiative for streetscape and street connectivity improvement focused on the area between the Hudson River on the west and Second Street on the east, the South Bay wetlands to the south, and Dock Street to the north. At this event, the Hudson Connects team will share preliminary findings and initial planning concepts for improving the streetscape of downtown Hudson.
The Promenade Hill Park renovation project is led by consultants at Starr Whitehouse Landscape Architects and Planners. The project goals are improving site accessibility for all users, preserving the park's historic fabric, improving opportunities for recreation, and enhancing park plantings. At this event, the Promenade Hill Park project team will share site improvement design concepts for input from the community.
Attendees will be encouraged to review preliminary design concepts for both projects and share feedback with the project teams. Public participation and input is an important component of the design and planning process, and we want to hear from you!
These projects are funded by the State's Downtown Revitalization Initiative. Participants must wear a mask and stay six feet apart. Light refreshments will be served.
To RSVP for the event, go to the Facebook event page and indicate that you are "Going."

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