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Monday, January 25, 2021

More Word on Vaccinations

Matt Murell, chair of the Columbia County Board of Supervisors, just issued his regular press release, which includes the following information about COVID-19 vaccinations.

The Columbia County Department of Health learned Monday morning that it will receive 200 vaccinations for the week, 100 of which will be dedicated to essential workers, and the other 100 to seniors.
"I think it's going to be like this through February," said county DOH Director Jack Mabb. "Vaccinations won't be available except in small quantities as manufacturers ramp up production. While February will be a quiet month, we should see an improvement by the beginning of March."
As New York State continues to develop vaccination sites and plans, county Board of Supervisors Chairman Matt Murell said on Monday that county health departments are better equipped to handle delivering the shots than are pharmacies.
"I have formally requested that the state focus more of its efforts on providing more of the vaccines to local health departments," said Chairman Murell.
County Department of Health Director Jack Mabb echoed Chairman Murell's comments: "We are capable of doing as many shots in two hours as pharmacies can in a week. We can do immunizations far more efficiently than ways the governor is proposing."
Both officials noted that pharmacies have begun immunization efforts within the county.
Again, no information about which pharmacies are now doing vaccinations or how they are getting the vaccine.


  1. There seems to be no information about anything, except that CMH just posted on their website asking
    people not to call the hospital. I can't seem to get anything operating on CCDOH website and no appointments available on NYS am I eligible website. Frustrating.

    1. The 'mushroom principle' applies here as well: "Feed 'em $hit and keep 'em in the dark". This is the foundation that underlies information dissemination in this country.

    2. I got my annual check-up today at Hudson Medical Care. My doctor said that they have no more information than the county does. "We only know what they tell us, so we don't really know anything."

    3. Good to know 'unheimlich' - I was just about to call my doctor yesterday when I saw that CMH said to not call the hospital. I figured that was the case, the doctors don't know anything either. And I thought this was an advanced country - gimme a break.

  2. in the bad old days, we used the market economy to distribute vaccines. You went to your doctor, paid a fee, and got the vaccine. or you went to a clinic.

    it was not this complicated. Now we have Big Brother and the Super State, that cannot do anything to get us vaccinated.

    1. In the bad old days, j kay? There hasn't been a global pandemic like this for more than a hundred years, when there was no vaccine. The closest thing in living memory is the rollout of the polio vaccine in the 1950s, which didn't rely on the market economy either.

    2. Nevertheless, "j kay" is onto something.

      South Dakota is unusual for using its traditional distribution system for pharmaceuticals to get the vaccine out too.

      The results are excellent compared to those states that invented new distribution bureaucracies and even new policies.

      That was j kay's point, to which I'd add that a century ago the extent of decision-making by managerial and bureacratic "experts" was a fraction of what it is today.

      Who can deny that the results of this evolution are mixed?

    3. Carole--I survived the Hong Kong flu epidemic of 1969. Read up on it. I had it. the population was alot smaller.

      It was terrible, and many died, both in the US and in Europe.

      we have to cope with these natural events. there were 3 pandemics in the 20th century - the Spanish flu, the flu of 1957, and the Hong Kong flu.

      IN 1969, the medical community ran out of nothing and there was a lack of hysteria. Drugs were available, emergency rooms and hospitals were open, and no one ran out of anything because they would have been too mortified to do so. Back then, they were ready for an emergency and knew what that meant.

      Today, We are in a sorry state in which we are unable to even distribute the vaccines that would save lives. We are too disorganized to do so. We made the vaccines, but where are they ? Pretty pathetic.

    4. AHHH pre-Reagan trickle down privatization days

  3. Columbia County has been conducting mass vaccination drills for years. It is commendable that our county government had planned and prepared to distribute the vaccine to its citizens.
    The Emperor derailed the established plans for plans that better suited his political aims. We all see how that has gone.
