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Saturday, January 30, 2021

Something to Do on Groundhog Day

On Tuesday, February 2. which is Groundhog Day, John Kane and Monica Byrne, the members of the Hudson City Democratic Committee who represent the First Ward, are hosting a virtual First Ward Forum. The invitation to the event explains:
This forum is an opportunity for First Ward residents to learn about local issues facing our community, share ideas to help develop Hudson's community and economy, and engage in a constructive dialogue about the best path forward for the Friendly City.
For those interested in learning more about running for public office, important information regarding changes to the petitioning process and building local campaigns will be discussed.
Participation via Zoom will be limited to First Ward residents. Residents of other wards may attend a YouTube simulcast and submit questions or concerns via email.
If you don't know if you live in the First Ward or not, here is the map of the five wards. The First Ward is everything south of Warren Street (including the south side of Warren Street) and west of Worth Avenue (including the west side of Worth Avenue).

The forum begins at 6:00 p.m. Click here to register for the Zoom meeting.


  1. Thanks, Carole, for the assist in getting the word out.

    I do encourage residents of the First Ward to register to attend (you must be registered to receive the link to join the meeting) and I certainly encourage residents of other wards to watch the forum on Youtube-much of the information will apply throughout the City. Monica is both engaging and informative, and I promise she'll be doing most of the heavy lifting in what will hopefully be a very instructive hour.

    If you have any questions, concerns, or topics you would like addressed at the forum, please reach out to at

  2. The coming snow is going to be seriously costly for the city of Hudson. This, after 16 inches a month ago. At what point do we acknowledge that the plow plow plow approach is unsustainable, an added source of air pollution and an unneeded source of serious wear and tear on our roads? Some places in New England and esp in Canada just leave snow on the roads, it becomes packed and people deal with it. Sounds crazy, but no more crazy than spending tens of thousands of dollars every time even 2 inches of snow falls, even if the State reimburses us for a portion of the costs. It's all taxpayer money used wastefully.

  3. Thanks for announcing it's on Zoom. Now I know not to register, though there's so much to say about the South Bay right now.

    1. There will be a simulcast for those unable to attend. If you have any questions or topics you would like addressed, please email me at the above address.

    2. Thanks JK, I hope that means simulcast on YouTube. That I can at least watch (my computer is old, and has no camera or mic).

      But I really do worry for public participation in the long-run if we all get too comfortable with government-by-Zoom and Facebook. It may feel like universal access, but it's not looking out for everyone and that should always always always be our prime objective.

      For those left out, citizens will increasingly drop out. They'll think "What's the use?" I feel that way, except that I know better.

      I pray we don't get used to this.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.
