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Tuesday, November 9, 2021

How's It Coming?

A while back, Mayor Kamal Johnson expressed the hope that the redesigned entrance to Promenade Hill would be completed in time for Winter Walk 2021. Winter Walk, scheduled for December 4, is less than a month away, and this is what the site looked like this morning.

At the informal Common Council meeting last night, DPW superintendent Rob Perry reported that the splash pad in the children's playground had been installed.

He also reported they were having problems getting the quarried stone being used for seating, and there were problems getting the railings for the ramps.



  1. On this, I think, the mayor gets a pass. Supply chain issues have created bottlenecks all over, and better to take the time to do the job correctly than rush and get it wrong, leaving Hudson with a substandard solution. (Perhaps the Common Council could adopt this policy for Good Cause evictions.)

  2. Let's take our time and get it right. I'm just happy to lose the dreary grey poured concrete in that beautiful location.
