Monday, August 3, 2015

The Scandal of 1922: Part IV

Yesterday, we began recounting the trial, in May 1922, of Hudson police chief John Cruise, suspended and charged with dereliction of duty by the Commission of Public Safety. The testimony of Frank Kennison, one of the two agents hired to investigate "the sale of intoxicants and prostitution" in Hudson, was recounted yesterday. Today, we take up the cross examination of Kennison by Robert M. Herzberg, the attorney representing Chief Cruise.
After his arrival in Hudson on February 2nd [Kennison] had 8 drinks of whiskey and 4 drinks of home brew. In answer to the question as to whether he took samples of the whiskey he said he did not, tho it was customary in the cases of an investigation.
"This wasn't an investigation was it?" said Mr. Herzberg. "It was a drunk."
"It was not" said Mr. Kennison.
"Wasn't you drunk on that day?" asked Mr. Herzberg.
"I was not and I can prove it," said the witness.
Operative Lawson met the witness at the railroad station and the three operatives were served 2 drinks of whiskey. They were introduced to the bartender and had the drinks served to them. Then they went up to the Brandow place and he was introduced to the bartender and they were served with whiskey. Then they went down to the Miller place and had parts of two drinks. From there they went to the Dugan Riley place where they were served with another drink. In none of the places were samples of the liquor taken.
Then the party went back to the Langlois place. Did not remember how many drinks he had in the Langlois place.
In answer to a question by Mr. Herzberg he said he nor any of his party were drunk when they left the Langlois place, nor had he brought a bottle of liquor into the place. While in this place he was introduced to a woman whose name was said to be Virginia Dare.
From there they went to the Worth for dinner and then up to Brandow's place where they had more home brew. He then went back to President Whitbeck's home [Whitbeck was the president of the Commission for Public Safety] where he was in conference until eleven o'clock. After that he went back to the Worth and stopped in the Langlois place where they had some home brew, served by the bartender McCue.
On his second visit to Hudson he stopped at the Langlois place on his way up to the Worth from the train and was served with whiskey by McCue. After conferring with the President of the Commission he returned to New York.
On his visit to Hudson on February 2nd he did not meet Virginia Dare on Diamond street. He had talked with her about 15 minutes tho in company with others he had been in her company a much longer time.
He drank with the woman because he wanted to see the work that his operatives were doing.
In conclusion he testified that he was a married man, that he was living with his wife and had no children.
Next, the second witness, another investigator, Peter M. Lawson took the stand and offered his testimony, which the Columbia Republican described as "somewhat sensational." We'll cover Lawson's testimony tomorrow.