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Wednesday, July 15, 2020

We Are Not Alone

The numbers from the Columbia County Department of Health suggest that we're doing fine, but apparently that's not the case everywhere in the Capital Region. According to a press release from the Columbia County Board of Supervisors, Albany County had 44 new cases of COVID-19 earlier this week. The number of new cases being reported today for Albany County is 33. This increase in Albany County could be a setback for the entire Capital Region. The press release states:
Of particular concern at the moment are July 4 gatherings, which appear to have generated much of the recent positive test results in the Albany area, according to Albany County Executive Dan McCoy.
"I would urge anyone who attended a party around that time to get tested," said Columbia County Board of Supervisors Chairman Matt Murell. "It's important for the individuals involved and, should positive tests turn up, for others who were in attendance with those individuals and who may have become infected. Everyone needs to continue to do their part to stop the spread of the virus. Nobody wants to see the strides we've made to reopen the economy get turned around now."

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