Tuesday, March 31, 2020

About Those Numbers

Gossips provides links, at the right, both to COVID-19 updates from the Columbia County Department of Health and to the county by county breakdown of COVID-19 cases throughout the state maintained by the New York State Department of Health. The numbers for Columbia County from NYSDOH have been consistently lower than the numbers reported by the CCDOH. For example, yesterday CCDOH reported 36 confirmed cases, whereas NYSDOH reports just 26. Some may have assumed that NYSDOH was not keeping up with the numbers, but in his interview with WGXC yesterday, Jack Mabb, Director of Public Health for Columbia County, revealed the reason for the difference. The New York State Department of Health is recording cases by place of origin. So New York City residents, who have come to second homes in Columbia County and are diagnosed here, are being recorded as cases in New York City not in Columbia County. Given that, it can be extrapolated that 10 of the cases in Columbia County are people who also reside in New York City.

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