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Tuesday, March 10, 2020

It All Starts with a Plan

The following is the first paragraph of an announcement that recently appeared on the City of Hudson website
Mayor Kamal Johnson announces a proposal to create an affordable housing development plan. The plan will be a collaboration between several organizations that addresses a wide variety of housing needs and types of affordable housing. The plan will review developable properties, funding opportunities, and development feasibility in order to create a document that recommends the operations, timeline, and partnerships for developing affordable housing.
"Too many of our residents are struggling with housing in Hudson," says Mayor Kamal Johnson. "Creating an affordable housing development plan is an important step to meet Hudson's housing needs."
Later in the announcement the process for creating for plan is described:
The city and development partners will collaborate to jointly fund a consultant who will lead a collaborative process to create the housing development planning document. . . . The City of Hudson, in collaboration with other housing and development organization, will issue a Request for Proposals to identify the best consultant to partner with.
At the Hudson Community Development and Planning Agency (HCDPA) meeting this morning, Council president Tom DePietro said that the Hudson Housing Authority was on board to help fund the consultant, the Galvan Foundation had pledged to contribute money, and Habitat for Humanity had been asked to collaborate. He also explained that the idea of creating an affordable housing development plan had been inspired by conversations with Darren Scott, the Upstate East Director of Development for NYS Homes and Community Renewal.  

The entire announcement can be found here.  

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