Wednesday, March 25, 2020

COVID-19 Update

The Columbia County Department of Health reported today that there is one new positive case of COVID-19 for a total of 19. Test results have been completed for 254 county residents. There are 85 residents under mandatory quarantine and 30 under precautionary quarantine. There are also 9 residents with suspected but not tested cases.

Also today, Mayor Kamal Johnson issued a new state of emergency order. In it, he announced that the Historic Preservation Commission will, on Friday, March 27, be permitted to meet in a "non-public, virtual/electronic session" to vote on five certificates of appropriateness for applications that were previously reviewed and approved. The certificates of appropriateness are for (1) a sign at 558 Warren Street; (2) enclosing a porch at 542 State Street; (3) adding a porch roof at 127 Union Street; (4) making various changes at 226 Union Street; and (5) making alterations to 41-43 North Seventh Street to make it the new location of Isaan Thai Star. The HPC meeting will take place at 10 a.m., and there is some indication that it may be live streamed 

The order also announced that the Tourism Board will be permitted to meet, similarly in a "non-public, virtual//electronic session." The meeting is being convened, it is explained, "at the request of the Mayor or [sic] Common Council President to address the urgent needs of the business community in Hudson which is being significantly and adversely impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic." There is no information about when this meeting will take place or if it will be live streamed.

In addition, the order declared:
With the exception of public walking trails which may be used while keeping at least 6 feet distance between individuals who are not otherwise quarantined together, all city parks will be closed to the public, including playground areas, basketball courts, and picnic table and BBQ pit areas.
It is not clear if this edict applies to the Hudson Dog Park, where humans have been voluntarily practicing social distancing for more than a week, or to the Hudson City Cemetery and Cedar Park Cemetery, where people have been retreating for walks and solitary time outdoors.

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