Saturday, July 4, 2020

Happy Fourth of July!

1 comment:

  1. It's now well after midnight, and the fireworks and deafening explosions have been a continuous barrage all night long. They are, incidentally, illegal in Columbia Co., and a fire hazard when they explode directly over residences, mostly wooden. And it's a major disturbance of the peace, especially when everyone's been under quarantine for close to four months, and experiencing peak levels of anxiety and stress. The police claim to have "other priorities," even at midnight in our little town. This is yet another example of just how dysfunctional and pathetically inept the local govt. is. No functional budget, one committee after another overlapping and doing virtually nothing, no major problems ever solved. I'm sorry to say that any idea of serious reform or the achievement of any significant goals seems permanently out of reach here. Tonight---yes, so it's the 4th of July, so what; celebrating?---feels like the end of any remote faith in the realistic management, or future, of Hudson.
