Sunday, February 7, 2021

Meetings of Interest in the Week Ahead

For what it's worth, by this time next week, we will be halfway through February, and that much closer to spring. Meanwhile, here's what's happening this week.
  • On Monday, February 8, the informal meeting of the Common Council takes place at 7:00 p.m. This meeting, which didn't exist prior to the Cranna administration in 2000-2001, has for the past two decades been the time for introducing and discussing new resolutions which then would to voted on at the regular meeting the following week. The informal meeting has recently been reimagined as the opportunity to hear updates on all committee subjects, all reports from department heads, and reports from "various quasi-government agencies." At least ten "committee subjects" have been defined, although no ad hoc committees have been publicly announced for any of them, so it's not clear if there will be reports on these issues. For certain, there will be a report from Heather Campbell, the city treasurer, on the fiscal state of the City, a reports from Rob Perry on the Department of Public Works, a report from Nick Zachos on the Youth Department, and a report from Robyn Waters on the Senior Center, as well as reports from HCDPA (Hudson Community Development and Planning Agency) and HDC (Hudson Development Corporation). Gossips recommends having an early dinner. The meeting may last long into the night. Click here to join the Zoom meeting.
  • On Tuesday, February 9, the board of Hudson Community Development and Planning Agency (HCDPA) meets at 10:30 a.m. Recent meetings of HCDPA have been taken up with discussion of the anti-displacement grant that has been awarded to HCDPA and the City of Hudson, and it's likely the same will be true this time. Click here to join the Zoom meeting.
  • Also on Tuesday, February 9, the Planning Board meets at 6:00 p.m. The agenda for the meeting can be found here. Some familiar things will be found on that agenda: the continuation of the public hearing on Verizon's application to install wireless communications equipment on 119 Columbia State, Providence Hall; continuing to work through the questions in Part 2 of the Environmental Assessment Form for Colarusso's conditional use permits; the site plan review of Galvan's proposed Depot District. But there is something brand-new of interest on the agenda: "11 Warren Street . . . Brian Cohen and Michael Charles, the principals of Benchmark Development, would appreciate informal, preliminary feedback on potential development of this property." 
The property in question is, of course, the failed Urban Renewal era shopping mall, long the location of COARC, and most recently the home of Warren Academy, which closed its doors this past June. The Galvan Initiatives Foundation acquired the property in 2014. Click here to join the Planning Board Zoom meeting.

  • On Wednesday, February 10, the Affordable Housing and Development Committee of the Hudson Housing Authority meets at 5:00 p.m. The link to access the Zoom meeting has not yet been made available.
  • Also on Wednesday, February 10, the Hudson Housing Authority Board of Commissioners meets at 6:00 p.m. Plans for rehabbing the twenty-five apartments currently offline and plans for new development will certainly be topics for discussion. Click here to access the Zoom meeting.
  • On Thursday, February 11, at 6:00 p.m., Future Hudson and the Urban Design Program at Columbia University hold a "virtual visioning workshop" about the Hudson waterfront. Click here to register for the event.
  • On Friday, February 12, the Historic Preservation Commission holds its first meeting of the month at 10:00 a.m. Click here to join the Zoom meeting.

1 comment:

  1. I find it extremely challenging to accept the various rules and regulations placed upon the citizens of Hudson and NYS. Can someone please tell me why hundreds of shoppers can go to ALL the big box stores each day for many months but are local gov’t, City of Hudson, can’t find a venue for Public Meetings?
