Saturday, October 26, 2013

Ear to the Ground

Gossips has learned that, just before he left the position of code enforcement officer, Peter Wurster received an inquiry from the contractor who had "disassembled" 900 Columbia Street, wanting to know about getting the permits needed to do the same thing to the historic train station at State and Seventh streets. At least the owner of this building is calling it what it is: demolition. Fortunately, the building is included in a locally designated historic district, so its demolition cannot happen without a certificate of appropriateness from the Historic Preservation Commission.

But wait! That was true for 406 Warren Street . . .

and 620-624 State Street . . .

and 8 North Fourth Street.

Let's hope Hudson's new code enforcement officer has a better awareness of the role historic architecture played in bringing Hudson back from the edge over the past quarter century and its continued importance to the city's success and well-being going forward.


  1. Your photos tell the story of the total disregard people have for the law and the total apathy of those who are supposed to uphold it in the City of Hudson. It's a sad story but thank you for shining the light on it for the record. Save the train station!

  2. Thanks for keeping the record, Carole. Unfortunately, it's a record of shame.

  3. Do old and historic mean the same thing?

  4. Speaking as an interested amateur, Charles, I'd say that anything 100+ years old is historic and must be preserved if at all possible. --pm
