Hawthorne Valley Association announced that they are researching the possibility of operating a grocery store in the newly developed building at 449 Warren Street. If the research findings are favorable, the intention is to open the market in 2014.
The store will carry a full range of grocery products, with an emphasis on bringing fresh food at an affordable price to the Hudson community. Hawthorne Valley Association (HVA) is also exploring the creation of a community learning center on the second floor that will build upon its ongoing work with children and synergize with existing programming in Hudson to offer new resources and opportunities to city residents. In October, HVA will be conducting a listening tour to determine how the store and programs can best meet the needs of the Hudson community.
Martin Ping, Executive Director of HVA said of the plans, "Hawthorne Valley Association is excited by the opportunity to meet the community’s food needs and deepen our relationship with the City of Hudson. Through our Farm & Arts program we have been working with Hudson youth through in-school and afterschool programs and have invited them and their families out to our farm in Harlemville. We believe that this market and learning center will give us the opportunity to build stronger relationships with these families and connect more people to local food and agriculture."
Galvan Initiatives Foundation invited HVA to explore opening the store by providing a $20,000 planning grant. The Foundation has offered the space at the Hudson Arcade building for below-market rent in order to facilitate educational programs and food access. Daniel Kent, Executive Director of Galvan Initiatives Foundation, celebrated the collaboration saying, "Working with Hawthorne Valley Association helps us further a number of our initiatives. The market will create jobs and will also provide educational programs that promote health and well-being. Finally, Hudson residents will no longer have to drive, ride the bus, or take a cab to buy groceries."
About Hawthorne Valley Association: Hawthorne Valley Association (HAV) is a not-for-profit 501(c)3 organization promoting social and cultural renewal through the integration of education, agriculture and the arts, and is committed to environmentally sound land management as the basis for sustainable economic success. By exploring the dynamic relationships among education, agriculture, the arts, economics, and science, Hawthorne Valley hopes to foster sustainable forms of human endeavor that enhance the quality of life for ourselves and for future generations.
About Galvan Initiatives Foundation: Galvan Initiatives Foundation is a private operating foundation which began operations in January 2012. The Foundation mission is to conserve and maintain buildings of architectural, historic, and social significance in order to improve and enhance the quality of life for all Hudson residents, especially those most vulnerable or economically disadvantaged.
"researching the possibility of"