Monday, July 6, 2020

How We're Doing: The Word from the Governor

Although indicates New York has backslid from "On track to contain COVID" to "Controlled disease growth," Governor Andrew Cuomo reported today, "The numbers are all good." In the seven weeks since the phased reopening began on May 15, "We have controlled the increase" and are "now basically running flat." "The numbers," said Cuomo, "show we are right where we want to be."

Cuomo's map showed New York as one of only twelve states where the rate of COVID infection is not increasing. The other eleven are Minnesota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Indiana, Virginia, Maryland, New Jersey, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and New Hampshire. In the other thirty-eight states, the rate of infection is increasing. 

Cuomo warned that New Yorkers cannot get complacent, cocky, or arrogant about the threat of COVID-19, because "the last thing we need is to see this virus spike again." He stressed the importance of masks, social distancing, and avoiding large gatherings as the means of preventing the spread of the virus reiterated, "Local governments must enforce the law."

He also called upon Donald Trump to set an example by wearing a mask and sharing this Photoshopped image.


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