Monday, April 6, 2020

About That "Huge Parade"

The following notice appeared on the Hudson City School District Facebook page a few hours ago.

Why does this come as no surprise?


  1. The following, which I will post in three parts, comes from Ken Sheffer. This is Part 1:

    What is it that the HCSD doesn’t understand about the order from the Gov to STAY HOME at the peak of this massive crisis? What school leader came up with the idea to pursue and approve a huge car parade for tomorrow? The screenshots are clear though the links are down. The Hudson School District tried to pull off a parade at the very moment that everything we did to stay home would save our families and ourselves from serious illness and death. This is the best proof that there is no one home in the District offices. The Board’s oversight does not exist due to the inability of the Board president to act like a president. The president needs to be fired by the people.

  2. Ken Sheffer's comment, Part 2:

    If you think the parade idea was badly misconceived, vote out the Board president when it comes to the vote. There just is no oversight of the District. It is out of control. Someone needs to pull the alarm. Let us not forget that there is a senior State Government official on the school board. Why would he allow this parade idea to march on? Why would he allow the district to distract local police officials to have to have conversations about why the parade was a bad idea. The district officials who conducted these conversations need to reimburse the policing officials for wasting their time.

  3. Part 3 of Ken Sheffer's comment:

    Alas, maybe some amount of oversight will come. Buried in the school board minutes is the admission that the district is now being audited by the State. A long audit after the crisis awaits the district. I have spoken with the State bodies involved and the audit is ongoing though paused. NEVERMIND, planning a parade for this week ranks as THE bozo move ever that seems in concept recklessly dangerous, requiring a thousand buck fine! Students and teachers need to know that they are protected at every level by true leaders. Send the district’s party planners a message, NO PARADES, and rush to the side of the youngsters who really just need adult leadership and greater resources from the community to be able to continue to LEARN in times of trouble like this. The parade can wait.

  4. This is amazing but not out of character for HCSD. Anything like this would have to get the approval of the Superintendent.

    When all the plastic was burning from that waste collection several years ago at the and the warning was for everyone to stay indoors the Superintendent asked me if we should send the students home. In other words, send them outdoors into the gaseous polluted air where they'd breath it in directly. I looked at her for a second and said "NO."

    As far as the audit goes, I'd love to have a word with the auditors about the district taking the $400,000 specifically approved by the state for the ALP program and putting it into the general budget. Totally illegal of course. But the BOE was behind it as well as the current Superintendent.
