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Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Prepare for Snow!

In anticipation of the snow predicted to begin tomorrow afternoon, DPW superintendent Rob Perry sent the following request to the mayor's office this morning and shared it with Gossips. 
Please encourage people to place recycling out tonight for a Wednesday pickup.
If we get 6+ inches [of snow] Wednesday night then two things happen:
    1. Recyclables get covered with snow and we will undoubtedly miss some; and
    2. If we have to conduct snow removal, the missed recyclables have the potential to be caught in the snow blower, which damages the equipment and impacts productivity.
We will still send a crew out on Thursday for those that either don't get the word or just place them out on Thursday as a matter of habit.
The goal is to get what we can get before the snow shifts begin.
So, get your recycling out for tomorrow morning--Wednesday morning--before the snow falls, and tell your friends and neighbors.

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