Friday, December 11, 2020

Truck Route Update

At last night's meeting about the truck route study, lots of data was presented about trucks of all sizes that enter Hudson on the state highways that pass through Hudson. It was promised that the PowerPoint presentation reporting the data would be posted on the City of Hudson website, but that has not happened yet. One of the biggest takeaways from the meeting, however, is that 47 percent--nearly half--of the larger trucks entering Hudson have no business in the city. They are just passing through.

Although the presentation hasn't yet appeared on the city website, what has been posted is the link to a survey intended to gather input "on the existing truck traffic within Hudson and the resulting impact on people living, working, and visiting Hudson." Click here to access the survey. It will be available until January 8.

1 comment:

  1. Trucks provide grocery deliveries to the super markets.
    If the numbers are correct that means 53% of trucks stop in Hudson.
    Which means that Hudson wins, just as in the recent Presidential election, for trucks traveling on yer truck route.
    And once again I must state that Lawrence Park, The Maker, a Mosgue, etc. are located on the truck route.
    Could you nay sayers get some fresh air.
