Monday, June 7, 2021

Another Role Change

Tonight, at the informal meeting of the Common Council, a resolution was introduced creating the position of Assistant Youth Director. As the resolution explains, the position of "Rec Attendant 5" will be eliminated, and the salary budgeted for that position will be reallocated for the position of Assistant Youth Director. The change is being made at the request of Youth Commissioner Maija Reed. It was also revealed who would fill the new position: Third Ward alderman Calvin Lewis.

When the question was asked if Lewis would be resigning as alderman, Council president Tom DePietro said, "Technically, he could remain an alderman. . . . There is no rule that would prohibit him." However, because his continuing as as alderman "raises too many problems," Lewis will be resigning.  

The process of replacing Lewis on the Council is easily understood. It's happened a few times in recent decades. The Council appoints a replacement. It is all explained in § C3-6 of the city charter. But how the election in November is going to be handled is another story. Only two candidates have filed designating petitions to run for the two positions of Third Ward alderman, and one of them is Lewis.

Update:  According to an article that appears in the Register-Star, Lewis wants to continue as an alderman even after he becomes an employee of the City: "Lewis accepts youth department position."


  1. Is the assistant director not a civil service position? Why are we not advertising to get the best skill set available? Does Mr. Lewis have any experience?

  2. Reading the Reg Star article, it seems that Mr. Lewis interviewed and was offered the position and is waiting for it be to offered in writing.

    It reminded me of the Youth Dept Director's salary increase discussion (which I think was really poorly handled by the Council - they should not have done that to Ms. Yorck in that public way. If the Department had the budget money and Mr. Zachos was going to look to increase it on the incoming director (which has been done in past positions - like Mayor), that should have been supported by the CC.

    However, that meeting was on May 18th. Mr. Lewis has been offered the position of assistant director, I assume, in the last few weeks.

    Mr. Lewis introduced the resolution and voted on it, in the May 18th Council meeting. Was he interviewing while he was acting as an alderman and introducing the resolution and voting on it? Should he have excused himself and been put into the virtual waiting room?

    This is an example as to why one should err on the side of not trying to fill two positions when you have to recuse one's self from so many votes.
