Friday, June 5, 2020

News from HDC

Here's some news that Gossips missed while focused on the pandemic and the many efforts to deal with the emergency. In late April, Branda Maholtz, long time executive assistant at HDC (Hudson Development Corporation) and HCDPA (Hudson Community Development and Planning Agency), was promoted to the position of executive director of HDC, the job formerly held by Sheena Salvino.

Maholtz moved to Hudson a decade ago, when she was teaching at the Culinary Institute of America. Since then, she has worked in both the private and public sectors throughout the city, focusing on community outreach at Etsy, fundraising at Hudson Hall, research and development for a local legal firm, and as mayor's aide for both Tiffany Martin and Rick Rector.

Bob Rasner, president of the HDC Board, commented, "Branda's thankless determination, experience, and creative problem solving are just a few of the many skills she brings to the board. Her work is essential to the success of HDC and the City of Hudson."

Commenting on the delayed announcement of her promotion, Maholtz told Gossips: "It was important for HDC and our board to become leaders and help bring our small businesses and creative economy community together during the state's mandated pause. I just jumped into action and started getting things done. Opening the communication lines and having real dialogue about what can be done to organize and plan to make Hudson better and stronger after the crisis was our first challenge--we achieved that." She is most proud of working with HDC board member Seth Rogovoy to set up the Hudson Arts Emergency Program to take immediate action to help the local creative community. She adds, "My plans for moving to Colorado are on hold. You can't get rid of me yet!"


  1. This is excellent news. With one of the DRI projects slated to engage the HCDPA (though the clueless DRI committee hasn't discovered this yet!), it's marvelous to know in advance that there'll a smart, professional person on the other end of the phone.

    Welcome back Branda, even if you didn't go anywhere.

  2. Thanks Carole and Unheimlich! Appreciate the kind words I’ve been hearing across the community. As Kamal would say— #AHOD !
