Wednesday, June 3, 2020

On the Avenue

A friend of mine in New York City sent me these photographs of Fifth Avenue, taken this morning. He shared his observation that the buildings most heavily barricaded were Fox News Studios and Trump Tower.


  1. NEW YORK NEW YORK the End of " A Wonderful town" .

  2. your slack-jawed hyperbole is as tiresome as it is ignorant.

    1. I saw no slack-jawed hyperbole here at all. Just the facts.

    2. the comment was directed at j kay.

      but to your point, considering the level of violence NYPD and De Blasio have wrought upon countless New Yorkers in the last few days, I'm not sure these are the 'facts' anyone should be concerned about at the moment.

  3. Of course Trump Tower would be heavily defended against rioters. It's the New York residence of the President of the United States. Also, cities all across America have boarded boarded themselves up against the rioters and looters, as I've been told by friends in Chicago, LA, and Charleston, SC, to name just three. New York in that respect is hardly exceptional.

  4. I've walked past Trump Tower several times a month for 3 years; it's always been heavily fortified.
